Academy remains on the up with ‘Good’ assessment

November 16, 2022

Goole Academy was deemed to be a ‘Good’ school in a recent inspection by Ofsted.

The inspections, which took place on Wednesday, September 21 and Thursday, September 22 found the school to be good in all areas of assessment, including its quality of education and the behaviour and attitudes of its staff and pupils. The report detailed that strong progress had been made since the school started working with Delta Academies Trust. The school had been notified that it ‘Required Improvement’ in their last inspection in 2015. Prior to that, it had been judged as ‘Inadequate’ by the education watchdog, who also placed the school in ‘Special Measures’ in 2013.

The Academy’s latest report said: “Leaders are ambitious and determined for all pupils to succeed.” The inspector also praised pupils at the school, who were noted to have conducted themselves well in and around school. The report highlighted that students felt safe at school and were able to focus on their learning during lessons, with staff also feeling valued by leaders.

Julian Harrison, associate executive principal at the school, said: “I am delighted to announce that for the first time in a decade, Goole Academy is officially a ‘Good’ school.” He added: “We could not have achieved this without parental support, our amazing children, Academy Advice Board, and a hugely dedicated staff team. “Without their hard work and commitment, Goole Academy would not be such a wonderful place to learn, work and succeed. “I am fiercely proud of everything we’ve been able to achieve here at Goole Academy, and I look forward to continuing this strong upward trajectory. “We will now work towards becoming an ‘Outstanding School’. This report and our most recent results suggest this is within our grasp - especially as we are now in the top 10 per cent of school nationally for progress.”

Executive principal, Julian Harrison was delighted with the Ofsted results. (10-11-246 SU)

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